This Sunday, November 11 our very first kid and only son is turning eight.
It's totally a big deal.
Eight years ago so many things about our lives changed. Maybe it's because we were younger and still figuring out a lot of stuff, but having that first kid was like a kick in the face. An expensive, sweet smelling, never sleeping and always wailing, gloriously precious kick in the face.
We totally didn't know what we were doing. Like at all. That poor kid- I'm glad he doesn't remember his whole first year of life. Praise the LORD, Chubs is resilient and marvelously forgiving. I love that kid. Caleb Andrew Bender is one special and spectacular guy. He's also extremely cool.
When he was three we lived in Oxnard, CA and went to church in Carpinteria. After church we would almost always go cruise around Santa Barbara, get some cheap food and just enjoy the beach and each other. One day we were downtown, eating some ice cream or something and Chubs leans against a wall, sighs and says "Dad, I'm just a kid trying to be a man."
I'm totally not joking. I don't know where that came from, but it was awesome. And as he's grown up, that's him. He's eight going on 30. Unless he's being a turd. Then he's eight going on four. But for the most part, he's always been this kid just trying to be a man.
He's magnetic. I don't know if you've met him, but he's so stinking charismatic it sometimes makes me crazy. Caleb's whole approach to life is that everyone is already his friend- they just might not know it yet. Sometimes it's great and sometimes it stinks but that's Caleb- he doesn't discriminate based on age, race, gender, you name it. I could learn a lesson from him. Seriously.
When he was brand new and I would pray for him in that weird, foggy, exhausted new mom way (seriously, he would not sleep), I frequently prayed that God would nurture the gift of evangelism in him. I'm not trying to get kooked out on you right now, but I earnestly believe that the LORD in His mercy gives mamas who pray for their kids insight. And as he's grown up, I get to see how faithful Jesus has been in making Caleb who he is.
We moved into our new house just over a month ago, and while Ricky and I have met a few of our neighbors, Caleb knows them all. The other day he had this conversation with a little boy on our cul-de-sac named Calvin. Calvin's four and loves Caleb.
Caleb: "Hey Calvin, have you ever heard of Jesus?"
Calvin: "Nope."
Caleb: "Oh, He was God's Son and He came to the world and healed a bunch of people and stuff."
Calvin: "Wow! That's a cool story!"
Caleb: "But then the people killed Him and He died on a cross."
Calvin: "Oh no! Then what?"
Caleb: "Well, it's awesome, because then He came back to life so that we can go to heaven with him. "
Calvin: "Oh wow! That's a really cool story!"
He gets it. Our son gets the gospel. Enough that he wants to share it.
I'm not trying to brag. For real, we have screwed up with this guy more than we've done right. He's like the crash test dummy of our kids. But by God's grace we have one of the kindest and coolest dudes I've ever known. I'm so glad that he's our very first kick in the face.
Love you, buddy.
Keri, I really love this. And you are doing SO many amazing things with your kids. He is going to have great memories of growing up. I love how much our a Caleb's have in common. He never slept either, charms everyone he meets, and I totally pray for him to be a missionary. My Caleb talks about how cool your Caleb is (and his basement hide out spot) all the time. Happy birthday to a special little guy!