Saturday, February 1, 2014

veggie tales truth.

This morning I did dishes with a "beautiful cupcake ballerina." (It was Finlee.)  
At lunch I ate chicken strips with three princess cowgirls. 

The dress-up bin in our house gets more use than any of the other bins, and I absolutely love it. 
We have these little girls who are vibrant, passionate, creative and hopeful. 
Why not be a princess doctor with a tutu, sunglasses, Lightening McQueen backpack and cupcake beanie? 

I know I would. 

I've been thinking and praying about the memory verse we're doing with the kids at church this week, and on Thursday I realized that there was a really kind word straight from Jesus to me- like these memory verses aren't just for the kids. 


Our memory verse is a classic, tried and true Sunday School fave: I Samuel 16:7:
"People judge the outward appearance, but the LORD sees the heart."

I might sound crazy right now, but I'm just gonna level with you when I say this: 
I do not usually remember that or live like that. 

I am a mom. I feel (and usually look) like one. 
Maybe I only put mascara on one eye. 
Not stylish. 
I probably just yelled (or am currently yelling) at one of my kids.

And I realized this week that while I spend much of my time thinking of the things I either need to do, or the things that I don't do well enough; I haven't spent very much time just remembering that God loves me. 

I know it sounds simple and I sound a little bit nuts, but isn't it so good to remember that the God of heaven and earth rejoices over you with singing? That in the midst of laundry, whining and dinner planning God has thoughts for you more numerous than the sand? While we might experience every single emotion under the sun throughout the day, we have a high priest who sympathizes with us, all because He loves us. 

Savor that, friends. 
You might be wearing old jeans and a baggy sweatshirt, wishing that you had more time to workout because you hate how your pants fit. 
Maybe you wish you were just a little more organized, 
more spiritual, more patient, more educated, 
better at budgeting, better at cleaning, better at planning, 
with more ability or money or passion, 
but God loves you. 

He designed you with the very gifts and talents that you need for right now. 
He thinks of you and understands the difficulties of your day. 
He has a plan and hopes and dreams for your life, and He's not done. 
God loves you in a way that's vast, passionate and sure. 

God made you special and He loves you very much. 
Bob and Larry were right. 

I know that we have a jillion things going on, and lots of people to remember stuff for and think about (and I need to put mascara on the eye I missed), 
but no matter how things appear on the outside of things,
the LORD sees your heart, He cares and He's working. 

"She watches over the ways of her household,
And does not eat the bread of idleness.
Her children rise up and call her blessed; 
Her husband also, and he praises her; 
Many daughters have done well, 
But you excel them all.
Charm is deceitful and beauty is passing,
But a woman who fears the LORD, she shall be praised."
(prov. 31:26-30)


  1. I just love this post Keri! I might need to link it up on my blog if you don't care. You're such an encouragement!

    1. thanks so much anna- your comments are always such a sweet encouragement and blessing to me. :) i'm glad we're friends.
